Cancellation & Replacement Policy

To practice as a healthcare professional in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) & wider Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, the applicant (you) must possess and maintain a professional license from one of the regulators within the region who govern the specific country/emirate you wish to take up employment.

Specific requirements for licensure vary by regulator, and our team are experts at assessing and processing the licence(s) required. Subject to individual requirements for the specific “License Package” you may purchase with Doctor Expat, we will undertake a meticulous procedure to ensure seamless processing with the aim to successfully conclude all applications.

This will be done in collaboration with each applicant to ensure documents and information is provided as requested, in a clear format and promptly.

The following is a selection of requirements that will need to be followed in order for Doctor Expat to efficiently process license applications and to ensure there are no unnecessary delays or cancellations of applications.

  1. Authenticity of documents and information – the authenticity of documents and information provided to Doctor Expat through any medium (telephone, Whatsapp, Viber, email or other), is the responsibility of the applicant. Doctor Expat seeks to obtain the required information and documents to “qualify” the applicant’s eligibility to obtain the license(s) in question, we act in good faith that the information provided by the applicant is accurate
  1. Documents and information – if/when any documents and information that is required in order to continue to progress any application is not provided or unable to be provided, this will result in the application being suspended and or withdrawn
  1. Format instructions for information & documents – this includes but is not limited to the format and manner by which this information should be provided to Doctor Expat and also labelling any attachments provided in the manner and language requested. If the instructions are not carefully followed, it may result in a delay or suspension of the application
  1. Circumstances for the potential increase in costs – the following circumstance may occur at any time (this is not meant to be an exhaustive list). In such circumstances, the applicant will be responsible to cover the extra cost(s) communicated by Doctor Expat:

a. Paperwork and information not provided within a time-scale of approximately 2 months may result in an increase in the fees from the Health Authorities. This will result in the fees being payable by the applicant

b. A delay with the application due the following reasons:

    • License Title not matching the expertise certificates
    • Unclear documents
    • Non-recognized certificates by the Health regulatory
    • Incorrect/misleading information

c. A change in the governmental/Regulatory body fee structure (including but not limited to Primary Source Verification (PSV) or Exam fees etc.) after processing has begun for the applicant’s license will be notified to the applicant if and when needed

d. If additional documents are required, these may be verified at an additional cost of which the amount which will be notified to the applicant as needed

e. Should you decide not to continue with your application or we do not hear from you within a period of 1year from date of initial application, we will assume that you are no longer interested in pursuing your license application and therefore your right to a refund will be void.

  1. Heath Authorities / Regulator body downgrading licenses – occasionally, the relevant regulatory committee, after assessment of your application may decide to approve a downgrade of the license that you have applied for, eg. (Consultant to Specialist)
  1. Unforeseen developments / changes with Heath Authorities / Regulator – occasionally, there may be unforeseen developments / changes within the relevant Health Authorities / Regulators requirements resulting in the application being suspended, returned or rejected
  1. Mistake / Error by the applicant – any payment(s) made by an applicant for a license package(s) that is clearly shown to be purchased in error will be subject to a refund subject to the stage of progress of the license(s) package concerned and the work already been undertaken including but not limited to administrative activities
  1. Mistake / Error by Doctor Expat License team –  in this instance, a review and investigation will be conducted by a senior manager of Doctor Expat after which a decision will be given on what if any refund will be made

All credit/debit cards details and personally identifiable information will not be stored, sold, shared, rented or leased to any third parties. The Website Policies and Terms Conditions may be changed or updated occasionally to meet the requirements and standards. Therefore customers are encouraged to frequently visit these sections in order to be updated about the changes on the website. Modifications will be effective on the day they are posted.

Please note that Doctor Expat does not issue licenses. This is only done through your employer once eligibility is obtained from the regulator concerned.

Whilst there are no guarantees offered, Doctor Expat will be pleased to assist any applicant to find suitable employment once eligibility for a license has been obtained.

The criteria detailed in this document above is correct as at the end of June 2020 and therefore, should any further elements change up or down in terms of costs to the regulatory bodies, these will be notified to you at that time.

Refunds will be done only through the Original Mode of Payment.

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